Something You Shall Know When Export/Import Chinese medicinal materials|Herbs to China

In recent years, Chinese medicinal materials markets have been becoming increasing hot, and the import needs for Chinese medicinal materials have been glowing as well. Seahog logistics, an experienced and professional China customs broker and China import trade agency for Chinese medicinal materials, would like to talk something about the import of Chinese medicinal materials.

What are Chinese medicinal materials?
The Quarantine Supervision Administrative Measures for Entry & Exit Chinese Medicinal Materials propose customs supervision requirements for plant derived Chinese medicinal herbs and animal derived Chinese medicinal materials. The mentioned two types of medicinal materials refer to raw medicinal materials formed by initial processing from the medicinal parts of medicinal plants and animals.
The Chinese medicinal materials imported by China features scarcity and rarity.

Quarantine Access
GACC imposes Quarantine Access Regulations on entry Chinese medicinal materials, including product risk analysis, regulatory system evaluation and review, confirmation of quarantine requirements, registration of foreign manufacturers and entry quarantine. At present, China government has granted entry allowance for more than 100 types of Chinese medicinal materials from 91 countries. Seahog, one of the first China customs agent that engaged in the customs clearance for imported Chinese medicinal materials and herbs, can help clients check if certain medicinal materials are in the allowance list or not.
Animal derived Chinese medicinal materials and part of plant derived Chinese medicinal herb shall apply for quarantine approval in advance. The Chinese importers shall apply the Quarantine Permit for Entry Animals and Plants before entering sales contract with the foreign suppliers.

Entry Declaration
The Chinese consign companies of entry Chinese medicinal materials/herbs or their China customs brokers shall handle the China customs declarations procedures at the customs of entry port before or when the shipment arrives with below documents
1.The quarantine certificate officially issued by the exporting country or region which meets the requirements of GACC
2.Certificate of origin, sales contract, bill of lading, packing list and invoice.
The customs will review the relevant documents submitted by the consignee or their China customs agent and accept the declarations for those meet the requirements.
The customs will return or destroy the shipments, based on the actual situations, that do not have the valid quarantine certificate officially issued by the by the exporting country or region, that do not register as required, or do not handle the quarantine approval pursuant to the regulations.

On Field Quarantine
The customs of entry port will execute on-field inspection on imported Chinese medicinal materials/herbs in according with the system order and carry on the conformity assessment on the consistency between the goods and the documents, the packing/bedding materials, whether the medicinal materials has gone rotten, whether carry harmful pests or substances that are forbidden from importing.

Customs Release
The imported Chinese medicinal materials/herbs can be sold, used, stored or processed at the appointed enterprises after passing the quarantine and obtaining the Inspection and Quarantine Certificate for Entry goods.
For those unqualified, the customs will issue notice for quarantine treatment. The consignee or their China customs agency company shall, under the supervision of the customs, carry out the pest-removing, return or destroy. Those have been removed pest and passed the quarantine after that will be granted entry.

Seahog Logistics - A China Customs Recognized China Customs Broker
Seahog Logistics has rich experience in handling the China customs clearance for imported Chinese medicinal materials/herbs and has thousand of actual handling case in this field. Seahog¡¯s efficiency and experience are not just recognized by clients but also by the customs of different ports. As pictured is a very small part of the Chinese medicinal materials/herbs for which Seahog handled the customs clearance.
- LAST TEXT£ºQingdao Import Agent and Customs Clearance Broker for Chinese Medicinal Materials/Herbs.