Market Trends of South America Wood Market - China Wood Import Agent
It is noticed that new arrivals of Dalbergia retusa enter market in succession recently. As the number of merchants that are able to obtain certificate for regulated species increases gradually, the supply of Dalbergia retusa to China market will get more and more, which is going to ease the current supply shortage. But the price is still very solid. It is predicted that price of dalbergia retusa might slide, but only slide a littke. That is because it costs too much to obtain certificate for regulated species . It costs 10000 USD to get one in Panama, and 20000 USD in Nicaragua, and one certificate can only purchase 10 - 20 tons of Dalbergia retusa, which greatly increases purchase cost. Under the cruel reality of the high costs, it is hardly to picture a big price slide of dalbergia retusa in 2014. Many merchants claim that dalbergia will continue present the image as a rare commodity this year. Dalbergia retusa China import agent

Pau rosa were hot in 2013, and will be the same hot this year, when the supply of upstream is tight. We learned that no new arrivals came in China during Chinese New Year. And it is predicted that price of pau rosa might continue to increase.Price of logs with relatively larger diameters might climb to RMB5000/CBM. Judging from current market conditions, the supply and demand of pau rosa imbalanced though, traders still holds the opinion that pau rosa is promising. pau rosa is precious hard wood of deep color and has high cost-effectiveness priced at RMB4000 - 5000/CBM currently. It is no wonder that it is sought after by downstream furniture consumers. Pau rosa China import services
After November 2013, market of Red Incienso welcomed a outbreak period suddently,and the supply trend was more than just good, which made merchants look forward to the trend in 2014. Red Incienso is made originated from Panama, Columbia, and Argentina. Therein, red incienso from Panama is of best quality. It is reflected that red incienso from Panama has large diameters, fine texture,and light fragrance. Because of that, it holds highest prices(RMB6000-7000) among its competitors. Compared with Panama red incienso, red incienso from Columbia is far less welcomed, because of small diameter, deep color, too many straight lines, and lack of fragnance. Red Incienso China customs clearance

Pau rosa were hot in 2013, and will be the same hot this year, when the supply of upstream is tight. We learned that no new arrivals came in China during Chinese New Year. And it is predicted that price of pau rosa might continue to increase.Price of logs with relatively larger diameters might climb to RMB5000/CBM. Judging from current market conditions, the supply and demand of pau rosa imbalanced though, traders still holds the opinion that pau rosa is promising. pau rosa is precious hard wood of deep color and has high cost-effectiveness priced at RMB4000 - 5000/CBM currently. It is no wonder that it is sought after by downstream furniture consumers. Pau rosa China import services
After November 2013, market of Red Incienso welcomed a outbreak period suddently,and the supply trend was more than just good, which made merchants look forward to the trend in 2014. Red Incienso is made originated from Panama, Columbia, and Argentina. Therein, red incienso from Panama is of best quality. It is reflected that red incienso from Panama has large diameters, fine texture,and light fragrance. Because of that, it holds highest prices(RMB6000-7000) among its competitors. Compared with Panama red incienso, red incienso from Columbia is far less welcomed, because of small diameter, deep color, too many straight lines, and lack of fragnance. Red Incienso China customs clearance